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At 03 JUL 2001 09:08:25AM Steve Carlson wrote:

When I run the code below…. accessing/printing about 750 records..

as OR_PRTF is running it breaks into the debugger with

a dialog saying "Eng0703: OR_PRTF_CALLBACK, line 1 variable

exceeds maximum length"

Am I trying to print too many records on 1 page (to a file)???

i.e. 750 records,

Which variable is being exceeded???

I've done a search on Eng0703 but can't find anything to

explain/correct my problem.



declare subroutine Or_prtf










Steve C.

At 03 JUL 2001 10:40AM Oystein Reigem wrote:


Am I trying to print too many records on 1 page (to a file)??? i.e. 750 records,

I think so. I ran your code with an Rlist command of my own (LIST MYTABLE MYLONGFIELD JUSTLEN 100 ID-SUPP HDR-SUPP COL-HDR-SUPP). It seemed to fail when the volume of output data per page reached a point somewhere between 60K and 70K. Must be some variable that hit the 64K limit.

Which variable is being exceeded???

Does it matter? My guess is there's a variable collecting output to the current page.

- Oystein -

At 03 JUL 2001 12:33PM Steve Carlson wrote:

I can print,i.e. save to a file, multiple pages, but this

saves a line feed/new page code in the text file.

I need to import this text file into a Lotus spreadsheet,

and when Lotus comes to this "line feed/new page" code it

brings in the "next page" of data to the next sheet of the

spreadsheet, which won't work. I have a non-techie

user running these programs which I don't

want to have to edit the Text file, i.e. delete the next page

code, before combining it into the Lotus worksheet. Any suggestions

on how to eliminate the "page" codes in the text file???


Steve C.

At 03 JUL 2001 12:42PM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

You could set a page depth of say 60 and then at the end OsOpen the file and use OsBRead to read in 64K chunks converting the \0C\ to '' then write back out thus eliminating the form feeds. OsClose at the end.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 05 JUL 2001 09:41AM Steve Carlson wrote:

Is there any way that the OR_PRTF_CALLBACK

procedure can be changed so that if a single

page needs to be "printed to a file", and the

data exceeds 64k, that OR_PRTF or

OR_PRTF_CALLBACK can automatically maybe recurse itself

so that all the data is printed without breaking to

the debugger with a Eng0703 variable exceeds maximum

length error???


Steve C.

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