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At 23 MAY 1998 07:08:48AM Jeff Word wrote:

When using delete_index on relational indexes, the index itself is not being deleted. All the "pieces" in dictionaries and everywhere else are deleted, however, the actual relational index that is stored in the relational index table, you specify when you create the index, remains.

When you use create_index it builds the actual relational index that is stored in the relational index table. Why doesn't the delete_index do its part and undo what the create did? (Delete_Index does do its part for btree's and cross refs in removing the actual index)

Should it be doing this? And if so why? In order for us to get the delete_index to work completely we have to issue a clear_table on the relational index table.

At 28 MAY 1998 04:25PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


When using delete_index on relational indexes, the index itself is not being deleted. All the "pieces" in dictionaries and everywhere else are deleted, however, the actual relational index that is stored in the relational index table, you specify when you create the index, remains.

After you update (not rebuild) all indexes does the information still remain?

Cameron Purdy

At 28 MAY 1998 04:42PM Jeff Word wrote:

The index is on the table is deleted. How can you issue an update_index command on a table that has no index? I do not understand.

At 28 MAY 1998 04:52PM Jeff Word wrote:



Column with index on it: YEAR

Table that actually holds the relational index: COURSE_YEAR_RX

We delete a relational index on the COURSE table YEAR column.

The !COURSE_YEAR_RX table does not get deleted.

At 28 MAY 1998 05:10PM Cameron Revelation wrote:


The index is on the table is deleted. How can you issue an update_index command on a table that has no index? I do not understand.

Some index operations are queued and are not handled until the indexer runs through. The Update_Index("","","") call updates everything that is queued.

Cameron Purdy

At 29 MAY 1998 06:43AM Jeff Word wrote:



Column with index on it: YEAR

Table that actually holds the relational index: COURSE_YEAR_RX

Field in this table that actually holds the relational index: IDS

We delete a relational index on the COURSE table YEAR column.

In the DICT.COURSE_YEAR_RX table, IDS column, field 24 did not get cleared and field 25 is still 1.

We can still add the index back on even with this dangling piece left out there, however, all index "pieces" need to be removed to be clean.

At 04 JUN 1998 01:49PM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

Can't answer as much as for why the dictionary info still remains, shouldn't as far as I know, but I can answer for why the data remains.

It's there because it's always been there, or at least always left there. I can argue with you on why it should be deleted or I can argue why it should remain (I feel it should remain). Simple fact is, the system has kept the target information intact that even it decided to remove it all, it would break any app the relied on it being there.

Sprezzatura, Inc.


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