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At 14 DEC 2004 05:31:38AM C Mansutti wrote:

I've read through the various threads regarding the fact that the @station is set to 0 or null in XP/2000

I understand that the arevpid.dat is not being processed.

As I use @station in numerous areas, I would like to populate it with a unique id when using XP. Is there a way to either

Force arevpid.dat to be processed


Fill it in a particular way during the logon process. e.g. derive the card address by transferring ipconfig /all to a text file and extracting the info. Then fill arevpid - if possible


Force a change to @station - if so how?

e.g if @station=0 then

@station=details read from ipconfig text file.


At 14 DEC 2004 05:40AM Steve Smith wrote:

At 14 DEC 2004 08:22AM C Mansutti wrote:

I read that thread Steve.

What you are basically saying is

1. Arevpid.dat can't be processed/manipulated

2. @station can't be forced to be set to something I want it to be

The solution is

Otherwise, there's always a workaround - not elegant, but you can roll your own routine to suit the application. A DOS environment variable (like the environment username= along with TIME()) may suffice as a surrogate station ID, set at login time.

Set this as a new variable and use the new variable instead of @station - correct?


At 14 DEC 2004 10:34AM Steve Smith wrote:

I think you have it straight, Claude.

Plan B is to write a TSR to intercept AREV's "get station ID" call and return an ID (which you'd set on the DOS command line in a batch file ahead of AREV.EXE). I don't know what interrupt and function number that call presently is for Windows (in Novell it's int 21h function EEh or similar - from my rusty memory), but it could possibly be verified with some sleuthing… :-)


At 14 DEC 2004 10:36AM Steve Smith wrote:

Hang on - no - I had a link in that thread to a Basic $routine to set @station.

At 14 DEC 2004 11:16AM C Mansutti wrote:

How about Plan C

RevTech provides us with a system compiler that lets us change the @station value.

Or is that asking too much?


At 14 DEC 2004 11:37AM C Mansutti wrote:

If you are refering to $setstat then if there was a link I couldn't find it. In fact I wouldn't have started this thread.

At 14 DEC 2004 11:44AM C Mansutti wrote:

Sorry Steve,

To subtle for me the way you linked it.

Found it now


At 14 DEC 2004 06:24PM Steve Smith wrote:

At 14 DEC 2004 06:47PM Carl Pates wrote:

Y'know, you're really going to have to stop using a white font when you reply :)

At 15 DEC 2004 04:46PM Don Miller wrote:

It's right up there with Steve's write-only memory ..

Don Miller

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