Indexer Problems (AREV Specific)
At 13 AUG 1998 04:20:46PM Ed Bell wrote:
We are running AREV 3.12 on a NT network using the Revelation NT Service. I have set up a dedicated indexer but sometimes the indexer just stops indexing for no apparent reason. If I close the application and restart it the indexer starts indexing again and of course catches everything back up but I don't ever know that it has stopped until someone calls and complains about not finding something that they know has been enterd when they run a search.
I also have another client who is experiencing the same problem.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so how can it be fixed?
At 13 AUG 1998 08:25PM K Gilfilen wrote:
Is it dying at night when you have network backups running?
At 14 AUG 1998 08:39AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:
I've seen problems on some machines when the clock rolls over midnight. BIOS problems, would could be fixable through an update.
I've also seen problems with post-index code issuing a STOP.