FS472 (Networking Products)
At 28 FEB 1999 02:54:32PM Victor Engel wrote:
Here is another potential cause for message FS472 to appear. If the workstation's connection to the server was reset from the server side (in order to perform backups, for example), then the workstation now has a stale connection to the server. The solution is to completely detach the server and reattach it. If the server being attached is the default login server, then restarting the workstation is probably the simplest course of action.
At 28 FEB 1999 03:02PM Steve Smith wrote:
FWIW, under NT 4.0 the server (configurable) and the workstation (by default) have a connection inactivity timeout interval. I have seen this cause grief on inactive workstations, especially after lunch or during long reports. 600 seconds is the NT 4.0 Workstation default; the server usually has this timeout disabled. I have also seen power management software cause this problem, where the PC goes to sleep, thereby losing the network connection.