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At 02 MAY 2001 08:08:40PM Vincent Disanza wrote:

Dear developers,

I have spoken with as many OI developers as I could find over the past week and a half. I finally called Revelation and asked them to allow me to enter the on-line discussion. I have a client that is in need of a FT developer. The location is excellent and the pay will be nice. If anyone of you are interested, please call me as soon as possible. I have tried to contact as many people trhough the Revelation classifieds as possible. If I missed you- I'm sorry.

It has become apparent to me that most of the companies that are working with OI have been unable to staff their positions and so they either quit using it or they have outsourced it to consultants. Most of the developers I have spoken with are consultants spread out across the country. My client no longer wants to outsource the work- and yet they don't want to get rid of OI either. So I am curently trying very hard to find an OI developer to fill this need. Please call me to discuss this opportunity.

-Vincent Disanza

760.431.1750 x123

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