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At 25 SEP 1999 09:04:08AM Jim Jones wrote:

I have some questions (problems?) printing from a subroutine.

1. In AREV to suppress a line feed after a print statement the colon is used. What is used in OI?

2. I need to change the font, the font style and the font size programmically. In AREV, I used esc sequences such as char(27):char(33) to make these changes. How do I implement this in OI?

Thanks for your help.


At 25 SEP 1999 03:56PM Don Bakke wrote:


You can't use the PRINT command to do what you did in AREV. To get close you would have to use the "Print Functions" that Revelation has added to their Basic+ command set. You can find documentation on these in your Programmer's Reference Guide.

However, I can tell you that these too are somewhat limited. Many developers in OI are using a third-party add on product called OIPI (OpenInsight Printer Interface) which provides a very powerful and comprehensive toolset for programming reports and forms from within Basic+. For more information and a free evaluation copy just visit Splaver Software's Website.

SRP Computer Solutions

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