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At 06 NOV 1998 05:51:06PM Bill Ridout wrote:

From a pushbutton click event

I want first to create a list of selected keys

then to start a window which will use the next key from the list every time the previous key has been saved.

At 06 NOV 1998 07:12PM Greg James wrote:


For the pushbutton click event you could:

1) Create the list of IDs you want.

2) Write the list to a table record.

3) Start the window and pass the first ID from the list in the create parameter.

In the create event of the window you could:

1) Pass the createparam on to the key field.

In the write event of the window you could:

1) Use Forward_Event to make sure that the record is written successfully.

2) Delete the succesfully written record key from the list in the table record.

3) Read the next key from the list in the table record.

4) Clear the form and put the next key from the list in the key field on the form.

On the close event you could:

1) Delete the record containing any remaining keys.

Then it would all start over again when you click the button.

You will probably want to do some processing somewhere to make sure that your keys in the key list are not already in use. onmouseover=window.status=email greg james;return(true)"

International Severity Information Systems, Inc.

At 07 NOV 1998 05:01AM Bill Ridout wrote:

Thanks Greg for your suggestion

What I was looking for, and should have mentioned, was the Browselist as per Arev.

Does this function exist in OI ?

At 07 NOV 1998 05:13AM Bill Ridout wrote:

I have just found the previous answers to questions relating to Browse lists.

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