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At 19 JUL 1999 03:28:47PM Javier Garcia wrote:

We have OI for Workgroups 3.1 and we have detected a couple of problems in develop mode, we will try to describe them.

1: When we want to copy an entity between applications, the proces does not work, however, in the same application this proces works perfectly. How can I resolve this problem?

2. Inicially, when we tried to start Revelation Reporter, the following message appeared "REPORTER.EXE CAN'T BE FOUND", this problem was solved copying the odbc.dll file to window/system directory. But now, when we push the palette botton, the palette is not displayed then the Revelation Reporter Tool is closed and we need to start agein. On the other hand, when we define a click botton in a form designer with a quick event like a start "Revelatio Reporter Window" the application is displayed but when you select open report option the following message appears: "Could not conect to OI. Check your user name". How can I start Revelation Reporter in my application using my previous designed reports?

When we purchased OI, we received 2 additional disk, the first one is Server Deployment Pack with its intallation manual and the second one is Collaborative Development Pack wihtout its intallation manual. Could you tell me what is the purpose of the Collaborative Development Pack? We think, it is to increase the number of users in develope mode, we are right? How should I intall it?

Finally, I would like to know how I can copy partial or total information from previous record to new record in the same form.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Javier Garcia

At 20 JUL 1999 07:04PM Cameron Revelation wrote:

Hello Javier,

1: When we want to copy an entity between applications, the proces does not work, however, in the same application this proces works perfectly. How can I resolve this problem?

What type of entity are you trying to copy? The copy entity functionality only allows you to copy from an application to an application inherited from that application. If you need to copy forms, use the Copy_Form utility in the Knowledge Base. If you need to attach tables, use Alias_Table. If you need to copy a procedure or insert, open it in the SYSPROCS table and copy the code to a new procedure in your other application.

2. Inicially, when we tried to start Revelation Reporter, the following message appeared "REPORTER.EXE CAN'T BE FOUND", this problem was solved copying the odbc.dll file to window/system directory. But now, when we push the palette botton, the palette is not displayed then the Revelation Reporter Tool is closed and we need to start agein. On the other hand, when we define a click botton in a form designer with a quick event like a start "Revelatio Reporter Window" the application is displayed but when you select open report option the following message appears: "Could not conect to OI. Check your user name". How can I start Revelation Reporter in my application using my previous designed reports?

The "Reporter cannot be found" is because something it depends on is not there (ODBC.DLL). I think you should install ODBC instead of just copying ODBC.DLL into your directory. (Have you run the OpenInsight client install?) It really sounds like you are missing a file or have an older version of a shared library. The client install will fix a problem such as that.

Sending the EXECUTE message to a report in a QuickEvent should launch the report just fine if everything else (as described above) is taken care of. The only other reason you would get funny messages (like "cannot connect") would be if you were launching the report from a dialog (which keeps the engine busy so the reporter cannot hook up).

When we purchased OI, we received 2 additional disk, the first one is Server Deployment Pack with its intallation manual and the second one is Collaborative Development Pack wihtout its intallation manual. Could you tell me what is the purpose of the Collaborative Development Pack? We think, it is to increase the number of users in develope mode, we are right? How should I intall it?

The Collaborative Development Pack (CDP) is a single-user license to use the development system. One CDP comes with each developer license that you purchase. If you apply three CDP's to your development system, for example, you will end up with a three user development system.

Finally, I would like to know how I can copy partial or total information from previous record to new record in the same form.

There is nothing that does that automatically in OpenInsight (like it did in Advanced Revelation). It is easy to reproduce though once you are acquainted with event programming in OpenInsight. See the following posts:

Form Record Duplicating Question

Arev Alt/C & Alt/O

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software

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