At 01 SEP 1999 11:09:54AM BMC wrote:
I am trying to get into arev system for someone.
They sent a CD with the system on it.
When I fire up the arev.exe I will get a logon
screen prompting for user pwd.
After entering in the pwd it will bounce right
into the debugger with
I understand that some developers will use their
own version of FSMSG() but I have no way of knowing
what is missing.
I have searched the discussion group for "FSMSG" and
found some threads but no solution msgs.
Any stabs at what might be missing? If the user that
sent me the CD copies it to his/her c:drive it will
fire up fine.
Ideas, help.
At 01 SEP 1999 11:47AM Bob Carten, WinWIn Solutions wrote:
Have you copied the CD to a hard drive, remoed the Read_only attribute from the files?
At 01 SEP 1999 11:53AM Victor Engel wrote:
"Any stabs at what might be missing? If the user that
sent me the CD copies it to his/her c:drive it will
fire up fine."
This is because Arev needs to open most of the files in read/write mode, something you cannot do on a CD.
At 01 SEP 1999 03:21PM bmc wrote:
Ahhh yes! Actually had check and updated the archive and forgot
to remove the read-only. Thanks folks!!