Faxing with OI (OpenInsight Specific)
At 25 AUG 2000 09:31:16AM Don Bakke wrote:
A client wants to fax from their OI application. We are using the OIPI exclusively for printing.
Many years ago we used WinFax. It was okay, except that sometimes it would make the output slightly larger than it would appear on a printer. This caused the bottom of some pages to appear at the top of another page. We are looking for a system that has excellent rendering. This does not necessarily have to be 100% automated (i.e. user intervention is not an evil thing in this situation.)
BTW, Barry Stevens has posted at least 4 times in the last two years for information on various fax software packages (WinFax, GoldFax, FaxMaker, and FaxWorks). Practically there has been no response to his posts. It makes me wonder if anybody is actually doing this.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
At 25 AUG 2000 10:04AM Matt Sorrell wrote:
IIRC, a company that we all have grown to love does have an email/fax server program (I just checked, it's called S/Mail) for OI/Arev.
At 25 AUG 2000 10:48AM Don Bakke wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I should have been more specific, this is a workstation based requirement. There will be no server side system for handling this. The need to fax is a minimal one for this client.
At 25 AUG 2000 10:50AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Ah yes, but we integrate to other Fax clients, we don't actually do the faxing ourselves! We currently use BitWise and FaxServe as the screen shots here show.
But thanks for the plug!
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 25 AUG 2000 11:14AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
Don ..
We have done something a little like what you want using WinFax which makes itself a Windows Printer with the output going to a disk file in FAX format. What we had to do was to code the output to the printer in R/BASIC and then use standard PRINT statements to get the output the way we wanted it (Fonts, page size, etc.). Couldn't make R/LIST work at all and my understanding is that you can't capture the output from OIPI to a file that's worth anything. I don't think that Reporter will work well either, although I can't say for sure. At one point Tony was talking about the possibility of a Viewer or some such, but I don't think anything has come of it.
Don Miller
C3 Inc.
At 25 AUG 2000 11:35AM Don Bakke wrote:
Couldn't make R/LIST work at all and my understanding is that you can't capture the output from OIPI to a file that's worth anything.
FYI, we have integrated the Adobe Acrobat distiller and have quite successfully captured OIPI output into a PDF document. This was developed so that our clients could easily email their quotes and other forms.
We have used the OIPI in the past with WinFax, but that was in Windows 3.1. I wasn't sure if the latest breed of faxing software products work any better. We'll give that, and the products Sprezz use, a trial run.
At 26 AUG 2000 11:18PM Barry Stevens wrote:
My client is using FaxMaker.
They select the Fax in the printer select and the quality and alignment are ok.
The problem I have is that the user has to select the fax recipient, via outlook…FaxMaker integrates Exhange server. I did not set up the installation.
I want the filling of the fax number to be dont by the report program.
FaxMaker does have a suite of APIs (32bit) that you can do heaps of stuff with, but, APIs and thunking them, is over my head .
Web site is www.gfifax.com
At 08 NOV 2000 10:24PM d todd wrote:
I have sucessfully used OI's Reporter with WinFax Pro V. 8 for a couple of years, with no problems. WinFax 9.0, was problematic with everthing so we revered back.
I generally fax invoices, but RList is not used generate the list, as we simply programatically write to the Lists file.
Also, in WinFax's Preview, I frequently abort the fax, but export it to a .BMP, then Email it.
Again . . . no problems for us.
At 08 NOV 2000 11:23PM Barry Stevens wrote:
…quite successfully captured OIPI output into a PDF document.
1. How did you do that?
2. Can an OIPI doc be converted to RTF…if so then, nonuser invervention faxing can be done without an API suite using FaxMaker.
At 09 NOV 2000 06:03PM Donald Bakke wrote:
If you purchase Adobe's PDF Writer it will install a "print driver" much like fax software packages do. Just select this as the default printer (or have the OIPI do it for you) and the output very nicely goes into a PDF file. Technically we use the "Distiller" rather than the "PDFWriter" (they both come in the package) as it works better.