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At 17 JAN 2000 06:47:42PM Sedick Cloete wrote:

I am running Oi 3.61 on NT 4.00. my database has two large files consisting of 1.5 million records each. Everytime I do a table verify on these files, the system bombs with 'ENG 3070 variable exceeds maximum record size'. Is there a problem with the table, or with the verify process. Please get back asap, as I need to get this system up and running.

At 17 JAN 2000 07:06PM J. Schaefer wrote:

Perhaps a 64K limit issue?

At 18 JAN 2000 12:14AM Don Bakke wrote:


How are you doing the verify? Is this a custom program or are you using the notation? Finally, what does the Call Stack in the debugger say was the last program that was running?

SRP Computer Solutions

At 18 JAN 2000 07:07AM Sedick Cloete wrote:


I'm using the LH table verify via database manager utilities. Have anybody else experience problems with big files with 1.5 million records, with over 100Mb in size?

Please help.

At 18 JAN 2000 07:12AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Have you fun the Fix utilities shipped with the latest NPP designed to fix the 64K modulo bug?

The Sprezzatura Group

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