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At 04 MAY 2001 11:15:29AM Steve Carlson wrote:

I previously used the following code to send data to a lotus spreadsheet, Lotus 123 rel. 5.



x=repository('EXECUTE', @APPID:'*WINEXE**LOTUS123', 'STTEST.WK4')

stat=set_property( parent:'.LOTUSDATA', 'DDESERVICE', '123W' )

stat=set_property( parent:'.LOTUSDATA', 'DDETOPIC', 'STTEST.WK4' )

stat=set_property( parent:'.LOTUSDATA', 'DDELINK', 'AUTO' )

stat=set_property( parent:'.LOTUSDATA', 'DDEITEM', Item )

z =set_property( parent:'.LOTUSDATA', 'DDEDATA', Y )

Now, with Lotus 1-2-3 rel. 9 this code is no longer working.

Does anyone have a snipit of code that I can borrow ;]) that transfers data via DDE from OI to Lotus 1-2-3 Rel 9


Steve C.

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