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At 03 MAY 2006 10:48:47AM George Farrugia wrote:

Does anyone know if TCOMPILE has some rstrictions or bugs? I'm executing the following sequence:

1: Repository("TDESTROY", entid) … to ensure that a window I need to re-create is destroyed anyway

2: Repository("COPY", backupid, entid) … to copy existing window into new one; no dependencies are copied; this is what I need

3: Repository("COPY", backupid, entid) … to copy the CREATE event of the window; this is what I need

I checked the outcome of the program and up to this point it works correctly, i.e. copying the source window and the CREATE event only

4. Repository("TCOMPILE", entid, 1, 1, 1) … to force re-compile window

Checking the result from the last statement, I get 2, meaning that compilation is successful. However, if I had to go into FORM DESIGNER and simply to launch window, nothing happens (i.e. the CREATE event logic does not fire). If I then simply save on a button or change something like a label, the window opens correctly. To me this indicates that the TCOMPILE, while producing an executable version, somehow is still missing something and therefore useless for a real re-compilation. What am I doing wrong, or is there some known anomaly with TCOMPILE?

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