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At 24 JAN 2002 12:09:55PM Richard Guise (Tornado Property Systems Ltd.) wrote:

Got a user with exactly the mouse click problem described (and solved) a few months ago - but with a nasty twist!

On both their PCs so far upgraded to Win 2000 Pro, the "Quick Edit" box is greyed out (but apparently unchecked). Win 98 has worked fine for yonks.

Is there any Windows guru out there who can help? Is there some setting somewhere else (e.g. registry) which sets the Quick Edit grey out and/or the Quick Edit setting?

Thanks in anticipation

Richard Guise

At 24 JAN 2002 02:19PM Victor Engel wrote:

I think that's actually a shortcut or pif setting. If you still have the shortcut from the other system, you can probably copy it across and then modify it appropriately.

At 24 JAN 2002 03:28PM Richard Guise wrote:

Thanks, Victor.

The client's IT guy has cured one of the Win2000 PCs but not the other although he has done the same to both.

In the end he deleted the icon and removed the drive mapping. He then copied an old icon which was resting in their ARev directory and tweaked the settings a bit and remapped the drive. The Quick Edit is still blanked out but, as I say, one of the PCs now works.

Great relief as it shows them that Arev can work under Win2000 - if the PIFs and other Windows settings are sorted out.

Fortunately it was their choice to go for Win2000 without any suggestion or comment from this quarter.

At 24 JAN 2002 06:46PM Victor Engel wrote:

There is quite a bit of information out there on this. I don't know how much is useful to you. Do a groups search trying various combinations of these keywords, for example: bQuickEdit, NT_CONSOLE_PROPS, "QuickEdit Mode", and maybe even shell32.dll.

One thing that may be more helpful is if there is an NT system available. The QuickEdit mode has the reverse default setting in NT than in Windows 2000. You can create a shortcut (with .LNK extension) on a Windows NT system and use that shortcut on the Win2K machine.

Well, not much help, but maybe it will point you to something that is.

At 24 JAN 2002 11:19PM Warren wrote:

If I recall correctly go to the console applet in the control panel and enable quickedit there. Close any of open programs called via a pif and then option should now be editable.

At 29 JAN 2002 09:33AM Richard Guise wrote:


Many thanks. I'll pass your suggestions on to my client's IT guy and see what results.


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