Readnext non-terminating with sorted list (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific)
At 22 SEP 2003 12:02:28PM Gerald Lovel wrote:
I use REDUCE and SELECT … BY to produce a cursor. Then I wish to readnext through the keys, but using a non-terminating cursor, as shown in the following code:
readnext Key using Popup_KeyList@ by AN then
/* Eof=Status() - First */begin casecase FirstFirst=False$case status()Eof=True$end caseend else Eof=True$
When there is no sort list, this code works fine. Status()=1 when the end of cursor is reached. When a sort list is used, however, Status()=1 at various keys throughout the cursor. Looks broken to me, but maybe someone else will have an explanation about detecting EOF for a non-terminating sorted cursor.