Printing on NT Network (AREV Specific)
At 17 APR 2000 04:29:16PM Roy Drummond wrote:
We are testing a new Windows NT network with NT Service installed. We are having trouble printing. When the workstation that the printer is physically connected to prints a job it holds onto the printer and will not let jobs from other workstations print. It gives a message something like this: 'Printers Folder: Error writing to COM2. Can not access port.' If the workstation with the printer connected is not running AREV, we can submit print jobs from the two other workstations without a problem.
Hope someone has experienced this before.
At 18 APR 2000 12:19PM Dba wrote:
If your using NET USE, I always recommend that all network printers are using LPT2 and any physically connected printers using LPT1. This removes the confusion with the printer set-up in windows.