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At 25 APR 1998 07:46:39AM A. Singer wrote:

Drvready() only supports testing of drives A: and B:. Does anybody know how to test whether a CD-ROM drive is ready?

Thank you very much!

A. Singer

At 25 APR 1998 02:08PM Gary Gnu wrote:

You could try writing to the disk with an OSWRITE or OSBWRITE and check the error status. Alternatively you could try the CDRDY function. To see if the processor is ready for utilisation, you'd call the PURDY function.

Gary Gnu

At 26 APR 1998 06:14AM Eric Emu wrote:

What's the correct syntax for these, Gary?


At 26 APR 1998 08:37AM Steve Smith wrote:

Try This - it returns the CD ROm drive letter only if a CD is present.


At 29 APR 1998 03:03PM Gary Gnu wrote:

StatusVar=CDRDY( "D:\HMV\BoogieWoogieBuggleBoyFromDriveC" )

StatusVar=PURDY( "DarnGoodShooting", "Tex" )

StatusVar=GNURDY( "ForMoreBadJokes" )

Gary Gnu

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