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At 09 JAN 1998 10:22:48AM Kevin Wood wrote:

I am in the process of installing an NT server which I need to integrate into my existing Novell network. I know through my reading that there are two ways for the workstatins to use both servers. One being a Gateway installed on the NT server and/or the Novell server and the other by running both IPX and TCP/IP protocol stacks on the workstations. I realize that I must run IPX on the workstations to use the LH-NLM but will running TCP/IP in conjunction with IPX cause problems with AREV and the NLM? If so, what kind of problems?



At 09 JAN 1998 10:47AM John Duquette wrote:


No, running tcpip along with IPX will not cause any problems with the NLM (we do that here)

John Revelation

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