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At 31 MAR 1999 02:47:27PM Paul Simonsen wrote:


One of our clients is having a conflict between Win98 and Arev3.12. When they are in Arev and let their machines idle for a little while, when they try to use Arev again, the machine is frozen. The screen saver and energy settings have been disabled and the Write cacheing has also been disabled. This problem only occurs in Arev and not in other applications.

I'm pretty sure it is a Win98 problem because they also have Win3.1 and Dos machines which do not have this problem. Also, the same machines (Pentium 133) ran Win3.1 before without experiencing this problem. Arev is currently running on a Novell Server (I believe an updated version of 4)with NLM 1.5

Any ideas?

SRP Computer Solutions

At 31 MAR 1999 10:34PM - [url=]Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

General power management, perhaps? Arev suspended in the background? Had a 95 site where the systems hang if left along. Solved it by going to Client 32.

Sprezzatura Group


At 01 APR 1999 11:38AM Stephen Revelation wrote:


You shouldn't need to disable the write-behind caching if you are running our NLM's. If running from a shortcut, which I assume you are, in the Properties -] Misc. of the shortcut, have allow screen-saver AND always suspend unchecked. Also, make sure your Program -] Advanced tab setting has Prevent MS-DOS-Programs from detecting Windows checked. You may also want to run the program full-screen if you are not already. If none of this helps, you may want to play with you TSR parameters a bit (particularly the /c and /r ones).

Hope this helps,

Stephen Revelation

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