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At 08 APR 2003 04:26:35PM Aiden Massey wrote:

Arev 1.15

Stand alone (no network)

Fujitsu 2300 dot matrix printer on lpt1

Win95 no problem, new computer win xp pro problem

Prints half of page, then stops. Take printer off-line and back on-line prints rest of page



At 09 APR 2003 03:08AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Check your printer lead is seated correctly. Check your drivers. Sounds like the printer's "buffer empty / send more data " signal is not passing back to the PC correctly.

Also check your Windows shortcut to AREV has enabled Background processing (i.e. NOT checked Exclusive in Foreground).


The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 09 APR 2003 07:40AM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:

In the Printer Properties, try disabling spooling in the Print Manager and printing directly to the printer. It's usually a printer timeout issue in AREV (DOS) programs. Sometimes you can use PDISK to print to a .TXT file and then copy that to the printer.

Don M.

At 09 APR 2003 10:31AM Victor Engel wrote:

What happens if at the point half the printout has emerged, you issue a PDISK PRN command from a TCL prompt. This will close the output stream to the printer and usually trigger the print to proceed.

At 11 APR 2003 07:10PM Madison Men's Wear Ltd. wrote:

pdisk prn finishes print job, what is the fix

At 14 APR 2003 10:39AM Victor Engel wrote:

I guess that IS the fix. It may help to understand conceptually how the various pieces of the puzzle are working (or not) with each other.

Arev operates under the mistaken belief that what it sends to the printer goes to the printer. This belief actually worked fine in DOS. Unfortunately, you're talking about Windows here.

Windows operates under the mistaken belief that applications will be describing pages when talking to printers. I say mistaken because applications like Arev don't describe pages but characters.

To resolve the issue, you need only let Windows know you are finished with the printout. You do this by closing the print stream. The simplest way to do this is by issuing a PDISK PRN command.

If you are using a printer redirector, like Netware's CAPTURE command, you can configure it to do this automatically after a certain period of inactivity. I'm sure there are such utilities available for stand-alone machines, but I don't know what they are. I consider using PDISK PRN simple enough.

At 20 APR 2003 05:34PM Ted Archibald wrote:

Hi Aiden

For what its worth:

My standard AREV printing logic is


setptr( FileName : char(0) , 1)

printer on

print 'AAAAAA'

printer off

setptr( 'PRN':char(0) , 1)

z=COPY ': FileName: ' LPT1: ] NUL '

pcperform z

This routine never has to worry about time outs in Windows etc.

Ensure LPTn is captured in windows to the proper printer.

You can use LPTn n=1 to 3

Use C:\Temp to eliminate network read/write slowdowns on Win2000 servers.

You can display report prior to printing if desired. Use LIST.COM

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