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At 13 JAN 2005 12:17:41PM Steve Bell wrote:

A wet hello from


I have an ASCII file with 7 fields all type char.








These fields are imported to an AREV file.

After the import, the first record is ok.

Then the second record has the tail end of the 8th record of the ASCII file and part of the 9th record.

After this, it skips about 40 records on the ASSCII file and writes

another good record on the AREV file.

On the import record, I have DOS file type=text.

On special options I have Yes on Clear the Rev table and look for embedded field delimiters.

Field delimiter =44

Record delimiter=13,10

Also I have checked and re-checked starting pos & field lengths and they all look ok.

Using windows98 & AREV 3.12

Any ideas to why it's skiping around like this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

At 13 JAN 2005 12:30PM Warren Auyong wrote:

How is the ASCII file formatted? The import definition you show is set for a CSV (comma seperated values).

Check also to make sure that there are actually CR LFs between the records as sometimes ASCII files are created with CRs only and this could through the import program off.

At 13 JAN 2005 02:52PM Warren Auyong wrote:

Embedded commas in the data could through the import off too.

At 14 JAN 2005 11:20AM Steve Bell wrote:

I tried to go with just the cr. No good.

I tried to go with nothing. Still not good but better. This way shows the cr,lf in the arev file but it goes off track after the frist record.

At 14 JAN 2005 11:25AM wrote:

Guessing the key is "Also I have checked and re-checked starting pos & field lengths and they all look ok."

So you're using FIXED length records and probably not adding in the two chars for the CRLF. One of my pet bug bears - fixed length records that STILL use CRLF….

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 14 JAN 2005 12:58PM Steve Bell wrote:

OK! I added 2 to the record legnth. Now it looks better. The total record count is good in the rev file but it's not copying them in the

order they are on the ASCII file. Or maybe they're not supposed to be in that order. Also I can see the cr,lf at the end of the last field in each record on the rev file. I don't think that should be there.

Should it?

At 14 JAN 2005 01:39PM wrote:

Change your last field definition to be two shorter. The order in the Rev file is the hash order not the import order.

The Sprezzatura Group Web Site

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 14 JAN 2005 02:14PM Steve Bell wrote:

OK! That worked. It all looks good but I still don't follow what was wrong. I changed the last field from 6 to 4 legnth. That got rid of the cr,lf but also the two digit year. I changed it back to 6 and it came out right. ?????

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