wide area speed (AREV Specific)
At 07 APR 1999 09:57:56AM George Jones wrote:
Our client has AREV 3.1 with 25 users,
and set up a line from another location to call in.
To get the speed up, we put the programs on the
other location and want to share the data with the
main location, but it is very slow.
When printing a report, it just dies.
They are using Novell with the NLM.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks - George Jones
At 07 APR 1999 11:34AM Victor Engel wrote:
The best bet in this situation is to have a workstation at the main site set up with a remote control package like pcAnywhere. The remote computer would then load the client version of the same package and dial in. Using this kind of connection you are sending only screen updates across the line instead of all the underlying data. If you put the host machine in full screen mode (not a window), the performance will be nearly as if you were right there.
At 08 APR 1999 01:50PM George Jones wrote:
Thank you Victor,
We have come from using PCAnywhere,
and need a different solution.
Thanks, Jackie Jones
At 08 APR 1999 02:51PM Victor Engel wrote:
What was inadequate about using pcAnywhere?
At 09 APR 1999 02:54AM Ashley Chapman wrote:
I've done this with sucessfully in the past. I had the whole AREV system at the remote site, with just the data files held on the server. I did have slow reporting until I switched the sort file to the local (remote!) drive C.
What's your remote network configuration?