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At 17 MAR 2010 01:15:11PM Brock Prusha wrote:

I am running OI 8.0.1 and won't be upgrading at this point.

I've registered the xrev.dll at the location: C:\TEMP\OI\XREV.DLL

I'm trying to start a NEW engine from an web page. I'm trying to figure out the correct parameters to use for CreateEngine.

Here is my code:

Dim Revelation As New RevSoftLib.Revelation

Dim Engine As Object=Nothing


'this line

Result=Revelation.CreateEngine(Engine, "\\.\VB", "SYSPROG", 1, 1)

'and this line

Result=Revelation.CreateEngine(Engine, "VB", "SYSPROG", 1, 1)

'both results in "Exception of

'Type 'System.ExecutionEngineException'

'was thrown."

'this line

Result=Revelation.CreateEngine(Engine, "\\.\VB", "SYSPROG", 2, 0)

'starts an engine, but still results in the 'System.ExecutionEngineException'

Please help me. What parameters should I be using? Am I missing something?


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