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At 19 MAR 1998 03:42:04PM Rob Hug wrote:

This question concerns the TEXT - EDIT function in Advanced Revelation 3.11.

   The TEXT editor in AREV only lets you to see about 80 characters of one line  before it starts scrolling just the current line to the left.  This is a problem when creating tax forms which are 132 characters wide, because each line relates to the one above and below it.  Is there an option or a way to change the TEXT editor to pan the entire screen (all lines) to the left instead of just the current line?  
   For instance, Revelation G2B's TEXT editor allows you to pan the entire screen from left to right by pressing the F10 key, thus making the editing of a wide tax form much easier.  This 'Panning' function does not seem to exist in AREV's editor.  Does anyone know how to do it or perhaps knows of a way around this problem?
      Thanks in advance,
  1. Rob.

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