using a mouse with AREV 3.12 (AREV Specific)
At 09 JUN 2003 03:04:46PM Andi Causemaker wrote:
we are in the process of moving our programmers to new 2.2GHz machines with Windows2000 (sp3) installed (from mainly winNT workstation machines). AREV appears to function normally for the most part in Win2K, except for the mouse functionality. Users can navigate the menus with the keyboard just fine, but they cannot "click" on the menu items to select them (whereas they could on their NT machines).
They are accessing a networked version of AREV v3.12 (on a WinNT4.0 sp6a server) via a shorctut. I copied the AREV shortcut directly from the NT machine to the Win2K machine, so none of the settings have changed.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Andi Causemaker
At 10 JUN 2003 11:39AM Jim Jefferson wrote:
This might not be the answer, but in the back of my mind I think it applies.
Check the Options tab for the properties of your shortcut. Make sure the "QuickEdit mode" box is un-checked.
Hope this helps, but…
At 10 JUN 2003 11:56AM Andi Causemaker wrote:
Thank you - I did check that setting, and the "Quick Edit" option is greyed out (the help dialog says that this feature is only available in Windows95 - we are running Win2K sp3).
I have just discovered that if I run the program "full screen" that the mouse works the way it did in NT4 - but if AREV is run in a window, it doesn't work. I would really like to get the mouse working in "window mode." curiouser and curiouser…
At 10 JUN 2003 12:32PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
I don't think it will work. The mouse is "pre-empted" by the window itself. I think this is more or less true in Win2K and XP, and, in some instances, in Win98-SE (although not all). Also, wheel-mice don't seem to play at all well with AREV/DOS windows in any form.
Don M.
At 10 JUN 2003 01:14PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
On my home machine which runs AREV and XP the mouse works fine. I can't disable the quick edit check box on the icon itself but when AREV is running I click the system menu at the top left of the DOS box, choose Properties and disable Quickedit there. I tell it to apply to all future sessions, log out then back in and all is good.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 10 JUN 2003 01:48PM Andi Causemaker wrote:
THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! It worked! I'm so excited!
Thanks again!!!
At 10 JUN 2003 01:49PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
Good point ..
Don M.
At 10 JUN 2003 02:06PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
You're welcome - we're happy for you
World Leaders in all things RevSoft