SYSTEM property (OpenInsight Specific)
At 11 JAN 2000 06:34:35AM wrote:
Where can I find a doc on the "SYSTEM" property? I am on the road and forgot my notes I normally travel with.
Specifically using the 'system' property to force the lostfocus process to complete
any help is appreciated
Thanks onmouseover=window.status=imagine … opinions that seem to scare;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 11 JAN 2000 07:24AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
From the on line help
focusobject=Get_Property(windowname, "FOCUS")
currentfocus=Get_Property("SYSTEM", "FOCUS")
If the window specified in windowname is not active, then focusobject will be the object that will get focus as soon as the window is activated.
existingprop=Set_Property(objectname, "FOCUS", value)
existingprop=Set_Property("SYSTEM", "FOCUS", appwindow)
In the first method, Set_Property suppresses all events generated because of focus change; the second method does not.
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 11 JAN 2000 09:58AM wrote:
Sprezz Group ..
Although the GetProperty info is in the book I did not find the set property info (which is what I was looking for) was not in there .. at least I couldn't find it
Thanks for the quick response onmouseover=window.status=imagine … opinions that seem to scare;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 11 JAN 2000 10:15AM [url=" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
Aha! System Editor, FOCUS F1… helps to remember not to search on SYSTEM
World Leaders in all things RevSoft