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At 09 MAY 2000 05:51:31PM Richard Bright wrote:


Can you advise the status of Win2000 Professional workstation running on a Novell network ie Novell 4.11 / Novell 5.0 / Novell 5.1

Is the Novell 4.7 clientshell OK?

What is the recconmended driver, performance expectation v Win98.

I appreciate that network / clients / clientshell comboinations has been a real minefield for all concerned. Needless to say most people will be looking at Win2000 Prof as possibly the standard for new PCs. What should we be telling our clients? Hold off? Its OK but slow? or what?

At 10 MAY 2000 08:59AM Revelation Technical Support wrote:

Revelation is in the process of testing Win 2000 configurations with our products and will be posting data as it becomes available.

Thanks for your patience.

At 10 MAY 2000 04:58PM Richard Bright wrote:

Many thanks for your response. I look forward to the report on the Novell + Win2000 pro with interest.

I appreciate the problems wrt getting a well performing combination of Novell + NT etc. Hopefully with the new? product - Win2000 - it will be possible and worthwhile to stich things together.

At 10 MAY 2000 05:48PM Revelation Technical Support wrote:

We will be posting information concerning this configuration to our website tomorrow. (5/11/2000)

– Revelation Technical Support

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