Table column alignment - positioning elements on page (O4W)
At 19 APR 2012 05:55:43AM Richard Bright wrote:
I am looking for a way of aligning elements on a page. I can group elements into tables for some consistancy ie
O4WText("Some Label:")
O4WTextbox(" "," "," ","ID1")
- but if I have several divisions on page with a mix of elements. The columar layout starts to fall apart. Do I apply O4WStyles to adjust cell positions to get alignment - tried but cant seem to get this to work, abandon the table framework for a ccs method or O4W styles, and if so, how would I go about this?
At 19 APR 2012 10:13AM bshumsky wrote:
I am looking for a way of aligning elements on a page. I can group elements into tables for some consistancy ie
O4WText("Some Label:")
O4WTextbox(" "," "," ","ID1")
- but if I have several divisions on page with a mix of elements. The columar layout starts to fall apart. Do I apply O4WStyles to adjust cell positions to get alignment - tried but cant seem to get this to work, abandon the table framework for a ccs method or O4W styles, and if so, how would I go about this?
Hi, Richard. Although using tables for alignment is considered passe in some quarters, they're still my preferred method of organization on the web page. What, exactly, "falls apart" when you're using it?
Of course, you could/would/should use both CSS and tables, together, to get the layout and alignment you'd like. Remember that O4W allows you to dynamically generate style information for each element (the table itself, the cells of the table, the elements inside the cells, etc.) as well as apply style names (which you could then define in an external style sheet). So there's no "wrong way" to do this - you just have to figure out what you're trying to do, determine how it can be done (Google is your friend here, too), and then map what you've learned into O4W's way of building the screen.
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky