How to test that a window has been modified (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 08 FEB 2020 06:43:24PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Isn't SAVEWARN the var to check that a window has changed? I have a window that savewarn doesn't get set and I can't figure out why. No code associated with savewarn other than a get_property
At 08 FEB 2020 06:47PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Isn't SAVEWARN the var to check that a window has changed? I have a window that savewarn doesn't get set and I can't figure out why. No code associated with savewarn other than a get_property
SAVEWARN to check if databound information has changed (this is a form property), MODIFIED to check if a control has been changed (works with databound or non-databound controls).
At 08 FEB 2020 07:14PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Thanks Don … I *found* the problem .. at least the problem is gone .. trying to understand it is more of a problem :).