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At 07 JUN 2023 07:24:08AM Roberto Righini wrote:

Hi, I am implementing the OAI-PMH protocol for our system. One of the response fields in the XML is the <responseDate> and needs the following date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ . Would it be possible to extract this format via Oconv in a single operation, or would it be better to compose it via various transformations?

At 07 JUN 2023 07:51AM Mike Ruane wrote:


I don't believe we have this format built into the product - you'll need to create it yourself.


At 07 JUN 2023 08:19AM Roberto Righini wrote:

Hi Mike,

thank you for your quick reply. OK, then I will 'build it' as needed! Greetings

At 07 JUN 2023 08:23AM Roberto Righini wrote:

Hi Mike,

thank you for your quick reply. OK, then I will 'build it' as needed! Greetings

At 07 JUN 2023 10:24AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Hi, I am implementing the OAI-PMH protocol for our system. One of the response fields in the XML is the <responseDate> and needs the following date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ . Would it be possible to extract this format via Oconv in a single operation, or would it be better to compose it via various transformations?

Roberto - If you need to rollout your own solution as Mike suggests, you might want to consider using the DateTime SRP_DateTime OCONV UDC which is a part of our free SRP Utilities library. We have a nearly identical use case in a few of our supported applications. Here is what our format pattern looks like:


Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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