OI 10.0.8 install (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 18 JUN 2021 03:53:53PM Bruce Cameron wrote:
I downloaded OI 10.0.8 (Full Install) and followed the instructions to install on a brand new (Virtual) Windows 2019 (DataCenter) server.
I made sure all the .NET components were installed prior to installation.
I made sure there was no blocking on the downloaded file prior to extraction.
I ran the install without issue 'as administrator'.
I ran the Clientsetup Install on the server.
I ran the engineserverdebug.bat (btw- don't understand the reason for this but is outlined in "Initial Startup"?
(Received a few errors).
I started up OI for the first time from the "Start Menu"
I immediately receive a Universal Driver message: Unable to access Linear Hash files. Error=FS1020
Click ok, get a RevEngine message: Filing system installation failed. (REPOS_BFS – FS479) OpenEngine cannot continue.
It would seem that there is no UD service running? But before I started digging into all the issues I wanted to check here first since this is a plain simple clean download and install. Is Windows 2019 (Datacenter) version a problem?
At 18 JUN 2021 05:06PM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Bruce
I have OIv10 running on Windows 2019 - both Hyper-V instance and base rich-desktop environment; I wouldn't expect any difference with the virtual dataCentre version as long as it was provisioned as rich desktop.
BTW no UD running….but you don't mention installing the UD 5.2.2 service. If you have this installed then check the correct ports open and of cause the Revparam file parameters. I would have thought that OIv10 should run fine (if not ideal) without UD service installed - and no revparam.
The purpose of running the engineserverdebug.bat is to bring to the fore possible firewall blocking issue for you to resolve
Richard Bright
At 18 JUN 2021 07:11PM Bruce Cameron wrote:
Hi Richard, thanks.
I'll check on the rich desktop provision.
Never installed UD, just downloaded 10.0.8 and followed along.
Did check the revparam that came with it, ServerOnly = 0
No firewall blocking on default ports.
At 18 JUN 2021 08:09PM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Bruce
I tried to run my system with the UD stopped / disabled. Used to be able to do this if I disabled/renamed the Revparam but right now doesn't play nicely - continues to insist it requires a running UD (probably some other setting within the system I have overlooked) - and not in the mood right now to de-install UD to test - reproduce your environment :(.
BTW you might like to check that you do not have the web-jetty console communication blocked by firewall. See the readme for OIv10 install:
<Make sure that ports 18888 and 18088 are permitted in your Windows Firewall inbound rules>.
This is the communication between the internal OI console/webserver and the OI presentation manager. I think this is peripheral to your immediate issue but worth checking.
At 18 JUN 2021 08:54PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Hi Bruce
I tried to run my system with the UD stopped / disabled. Used to be able to do this if I disabled/renamed the Revparam but right now doesn't play nicely - continues to insist it requires a running UD (probably some other setting within the system I have overlooked) - and not in the mood right now to de-install UD to test - reproduce your environment :(.
BTW you might like to check that you do not have the web-jetty console communication blocked by firewall. See the readme for OIv10 install:
<Make sure that ports 18888 and 18088 are permitted in your Windows Firewall inbound rules>.
This is the communication between the internal OI console/webserver and the OI presentation manager. I think this is peripheral to your immediate issue but worth checking.
btw: OI10 insists that you do have a revparam file , albiet serveronly=0
At 19 JUN 2021 04:49AM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Barry
Yep - I know and tried that BUT in my case it didn't work quite as I expected. That is WITH the UD5.x running and ServerOnly=0 in Revparam, this configuration worked - was able to log-in. But then stop UD and test I get a UD LH fail. That is why I speculated that to properly reproduce Bruce's environment, I might have to de-install my UD - and with tornado's tearing the pace apart today and no peace on the western front I thought I might just pull my head in and opt out of this test for now.
At 19 JUN 2021 03:03PM Bruce Cameron wrote:
Thanks again. My concern now is why things didn't work 'right out the box'. I seem to be missing a UD altogether. FWIW - ports are unblocked, I have admin privileges et al. I will start digging deeper now on Monday. Stay safe in the storm you are experiencing.
At 21 JUN 2021 12:17PM Bruce Cameron wrote:
FYI - Seems Java was the issue.
I ended up uninstalling IO 10 altogether, (re) installing Java 64bit & 32bit, updating MS .NET to most current, reinstalled OI 10 and all seems good now.
Thanks for the replies! Much appreciated. Now onto the app.
At 21 JUN 2021 12:59PM Richard Bright wrote:
Hi Bruce
Just a quick comment about java and OIv10. OIv10 comes bundled with an open source javax64. You can choose to use the bundled version or provision from another source - but it needs to be java x64. The java x64 is needed to run the Oengine service (which is x64). Java x32 has no part to play in this environment.
At 21 JUN 2021 01:26PM Bruce Cameron wrote:
Hi Richard,
Yes, according to the OI 10 readme: 8. Make sure that the latest 64-bit java runtime is installed on your computer. (Note: rev, maybe this could be moved to #1?)
I installed Java x32 just to be covered and for any 32bit browser plugins (as per Oracle notation).
Running like a champ so far except I keep flipping the CAPS ON/OFF for login grrr. :)