Best Frame Size (None Specified)
At 09 MAY 1999 06:14:02PM Tom Horan wrote:
I have a file with a record size of 3000. What would be the best frame size and threshold for speed? I was thinking 9216. Suggestions
At 10 MAY 1999 02:39AM wrote:
[notag]A point made at Rev U was that this very much depended on whether you were using the NLM/NT Service. If so the optimum size was 8K. (With a caveat that 32K might be better but there was no guarantee that this was supported throughout the system). [<A HREF="[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Read another thread on the subject';return(true)">See also this thread.</A>]
[<A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='Why not click here to send me Email?';return(true)">Andrew McAuley</A>]
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</QUOTE> —- === At 11 MAY 1999 06:30AM Barry Stevens wrote: === <QUOTE>Would setting frame size to 8k on a single PC be ok, I assume you mean if running network and not service there is some sort of problem. Frame size is something I have never ever thought about, does it make a big performance difference… with NT Service. Barry </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...