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At 29 MAR 2022 03:13:15PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

I am able to run a 9.4 app on a server, but get an FS1020 error when I try to run it on a workstation connected to the server. The server is running UD 7.2 NUL. Revparam files look correct. Client Setup has been installed. What else do I need to do.

At 29 MAR 2022 04:12PM Barry Stevens wrote:

I am able to run a 9.4 app on a server, but get an FS1020 error when I try to run it on a workstation connected to the server. The server is running UD 7.2 NUL. Revparam files look correct. Client Setup has been installed. What else do I need to do.

this what the error means if that is of any help.

FS1020: Unable to open REVLOCKS file at workstation

At 29 MAR 2022 04:24PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Thank, Barry

But why would the app run on the server? Wouldn't the same revlocks file be involved?

At 29 MAR 2022 04:27PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Thank, Barry

But why would the app run on the server? Wouldn't the same revlocks file be involved?

Mark - Does this thread help? I'm also assuming the firewall isn't blocking the UD port.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 29 MAR 2022 10:23PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Thank, Barry

But why would the app run on the server? Wouldn't the same revlocks file be involved?

Workstation access rights - SYSTEM?

At 30 MAR 2022 03:50PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Don, I'm still stuck.

At 30 MAR 2022 04:07PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Don, I'm still stuck.

Does this mean you confirmed that the firewall is open?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 31 MAR 2022 02:04PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Don, the user is checking into the firewall. Thanks for the suggestion.

At 25 APR 2022 11:11AM Mark Glicksman wrote:

The user says the Firewall should be open between the server and the local computer. Are there any other possible causes for this error?

At 05 MAY 2022 11:12AM Mark Glicksman wrote:

The user confirmed the firewall is open. Still getting the FS1020 error on the workstation.

At 05 MAY 2022 11:25AM Jared Bratu wrote:


Can the workstation access the server using the name specified in the REVPARAM file(s)?

For example, if the REVPARAM has ServerName=localhost or ServerName= that can't be accessed by the workstation when the workstation reads the REVPARAM file. Be sure to use the workstation having trouble when checking the REVPARAM file's contents.

If the REVPARAM indicates the ServerName=SomeName then on the workstation try to ping that IP and make sure that the name resolves to the server's IP address. If it can't resolve the ServerName then it won't be able to connect to the LinearHash service.

Second, even though you've verified the port is open double-check you can connect. Let's say your REVPARAM file looks like this:




From the workstation use PowerShell to do a test connection with the command:

test-netconnection -ComputerName jdp4800 -port 777

This uses the PowerShell Test-NetConnection tool to connect to the computer on port 777 (assuming that is your LinearHash) port.

You should see:

TcpTestSucceeded : True

If it was able to connect.

Lastly, I have had issues with workstation level firewall and antivirus software blocking outgoing connections to the server. Workstation AV software could be blocking the outgoing connection from OInsight.exe while allowing things like Test-NetConnection to succeed. This is rare but I've seen it happen more than once and it's difficult to troubleshoot because it impacts only oinsight.exe.

Jared Bratu

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 05 MAY 2022 11:47AM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Thanks Jared, I will look into these.

At 05 MAY 2022 01:11PM Mike ONeal wrote:

All, our 9.4 application is running on the same server as Mark's application, he and I have similar configurations at multiple other sites. Jared, a few months ago you assisted with the location of a REVPARAM on a server that also had >1 OI applications running. Similar issue perhaps? Mike O.

At 06 MAY 2022 02:55PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Thanks Jared.

Pinging the server worked. However the connection test failed. I asked them to recheck what might be blocking port 777 or if anti-virus software might me a factor.


At 11 MAY 2022 10:16AM Mark Glicksman wrote:

They opened port 777 and are still getting the FS1020 error. Are there any other reasons why this may be happening?

At 11 MAY 2022 10:37AM Mike ONeal wrote:

Mark, did you check that the netdrv.exe configs are the same?

At 11 MAY 2022 10:47AM Jared Bratu wrote:


That's a good idea but I don't think it applies because Mark reported the same copy of OpenInsight works on the server but it doesn't work on the workstation. This points back to something on the workstation blocking OpenInsight.

At 11 MAY 2022 11:04AM Jared Bratu wrote:


I think this might be best diagnosed through a remote support session. If this isn't possible here are a few more questions to try and locate what's happening.

For the sake of testing run oinsight.exe directly without any command-line arguments. We just want to verify that we can get to the login prompt.

1) If you close OpenInsight and OEngine (if used) on the server does OpenInsight launch on the workstation?

2) In your DBT file are tables attached with paths relative to the OpenInsight directory, mapped drives, local paths (i.e. c:\mydata\stuff), or UNC paths? A picture of your DBT file would be helpful.

3) Can you launch two copies of the application on the server or does the second copy report the FS1020 error?

4) When you run oinsight.exe on the server do you use the same path as the workstation or does the server us a local drive but the workstation uses a UNC / mapped drive?

5) On the server do a search for all REVPARAM (no file extension) files and verify they all match the Universal Driver manager's revparam file, normally c:\Revsoft\Universal Driver\REVPARAM

Let me know what the results are.

At 13 MAY 2022 10:54AM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Jared, here are the results:

If you close OpenInsight and OEngine (if used) on the server does OpenInsight launch on the workstation? NO

A picture of your DBT file would be helpful. SEE ATTACHED IMAGE2ohclog2ms5kp8gmx15pe4mm6ljztoxe

Can you launch two copies of the application on the server or does the second copy report the FS1020 error? YES

When you run oinsight.exe on the server do you use the same path as the workstation or does the server us a local drive but the workstation uses a UNC / mapped drive? - Server uses a local drive D: workstation uses a mapped drive M: which is mapped to a network location

On the server do a search for all REVPARAM (no file extension) files and verify they all match the Universal Driver manager's revparam file, normally c:\Revsoft\Universal Driver\REVPARAM - All Match

At 13 MAY 2022 11:00AM Mark Glicksman wrote:

At 13 MAY 2022 11:16AM Mike ONeal wrote:

"Can you launch two copies of the application on the server or does the second copy report the FS1020 error? YES"

YES you can launch two copies, or YES the second copy reports FS1020?

At 13 MAY 2022 03:42PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

You can launch 2 copies on the server with no error.

At 16 MAY 2022 08:37AM Jared Bratu wrote:


Thanks for the information. I was actually looking for an image of the Database Manager screen with your volumes and paths displayed. Regardless, the screenshot you sent does confirm my suspicion. I see several paths to C:\BGMAPWIN. Because this is a local path to the server the workstation will not be able to see it. While this alone shouldn't stop OI from launching there may be other paths present that the workstation can't see which causes the FS1020 error. All paths should be relative to the OpenInsight directory, attached with a UNC, or mapped drive (UNC is preferred).

Also, when you run Oinsight.exe without any parameters the SYSPROG.DBT is the first DBT that is scanned before the BGMAPWIN.DBT. This should also be checked for local server-only paths just in case one was changed or added over the years.

I'm not positive this is the root cause to the error message on the workstation. It still strikes me that something is blocking oinsight.exe on the workstation. A couple of other questions, while you check the DBT file paths please check:

1) When you run 2 copies of OpenInsight on the server and then run the Universal Driver Manager do you see 3 sessions listed in the Universal Driver Manager? One session should be the manager itself and the two other sessions should be your OpenInsight sessions on the server.

2) When you run netdrv.vexe what version of the client driver is reported?

3) As a sanity check please run this command on the workstation to verify it doesn't detect any of the files on the server as having been downloaded from the internet.

get-childitem -path \\Server\Share\OIPath -File -Recurse | Unblock-File

Replace '\\Server\Share\OIPath' with the path to your root OpenInsight folder.

4) If the above doesn't yield any clues I would break out SysInternals Process Monitor to watch what OpenInsight does during launch to see if it's able to open a TCP connection to the server or maybe use the client-side LH4.log file but the results of both can be difficult to parse through a support message.

Jared Bratu

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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