Alias Table (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 07 MAR 2005 05:51:51PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Can someone tell me if I should be able to use Alias table between 2 databases in the same application.
Doesnt seem to work in vers 4.x
Gerry van Niekerk
At 07 MAR 2005 06:16PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
It won't be able to alias a table in a volume that has the same REVMEDIA identification as a volume you already have attached. So this could be your problem if your second database was created as a copy of an existing folder at DOS level.
If the volume doesn't contain any index files, you could change the REVMEDIA id in the second volume using NAME_VOLUME(). It's a bit tricky otherwise, but possible.
At 07 MAR 2005 06:26PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Hi Matthew,
No its not
Are as follows
Two databases one called PAY
and one called STD
So its not the same volume or names etc.
I need to get the data from one to the other in a runtime situation.
In arev I can do it but thats not on the clients site, and the client is 4 hours by plane away, and the files are toooo big to do over email.
Gerry van Niekerk
At 07 MAR 2005 06:57PM dsig _at_ wrote:
You can do this .. what exactly are the problems you are seeing.
Be sure that there is an APP for each db you try to connect to.
dsig _at_ onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
At 07 MAR 2005 07:23PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
We have two DB's one called PAY and one called STD
None have tables defined in the Database manager as they get attached at time of opening the APP
This is the sample code
Alias_Table(LOC, "PAY", TBL, "TRANS_CPY")
If Get_Status() then
Msg(@window, "Unable to alias the ":TBL:" table.")Set_Status (0)end
Doesnt attach and get Msg in Get_Status()
At 07 MAR 2005 09:55PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
Doesnt attach and get Msg in Get_Status()
The answer lies in the error code returned from the Set_Alias call. You'll get this returned in 'err' if you 'Get_status( err)'.
If it returns something similar to FS404, then it's the problem I described earlier.
At 08 MAR 2005 12:19PM wrote:
That should work. I do alias tables all the time. You might want to try from the command line since it will return an error code.
This will only work if…
a) You have a volume called PAY1 that's below REVBOOT
b) You have a file TRANS thats in the PAY account.
For b, that means if you do a RUN LIST_VOLUME "PAY1" you'll see a line like
Because OI does not have the same account relationship with files as AREV does, people attach files from different accounts all the time and do not realise it. Unlike AREV, you don't need the application to exist inside OI.
The most common errors with OI and ALIAS_TABLE are the use of the wrong account name in the call, using the wrong volume name and having a duplicate media map.
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At 08 MAR 2005 11:00PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:
Found the problem.
Human errorrrrrrrr. Wrong files.