OI and Arev on same PC (OpenInsight)
At 19 NOV 2001 11:48:05AM T Meuth wrote:
We are having what I assume to be a memory conflict between Arev 3.12 and OI 3.75 running together on the same win98 PC. This started last week when we upgraded our fileserver to Novell 5, client to 3.3 and NLM 5.0. Arev will work just fine until the user switches to the OI system then back again. When they return to the Arev session, 9 times out of 10 Arev will choke with various Arev error messages - String space, max variables exceeded, or not being able to locate the menus or windows table. The two systems played very well together before we did the upgrade. Arev running on PC's W/out an active OI app running all perform very well.
One time I did receive a Windows error message that may contain a clue. OI was running and as Arev was loading I received the following error: Memory in use at 000F9BD0 from 4F50:01C9
I would appreciate any suggestions that may be offered
Todd Meuth
At 20 NOV 2001 08:44AM Revelation/WinWin Support wrote:
Is the 'suspend in background box' cleared on the Arev shortcut?
At 20 NOV 2001 09:30AM t Meuth wrote:
Yes that checkbox is cleared.
At 21 NOV 2001 08:59AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
[notag]It sounds like the old days of the system switching the mapped drive out from under you. If you are running from the same drive letter, create a new drive mapping and run each program on its own drive and see what happens.
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