Getting RowHeight from a ListBox (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 24 FEB 2004 06:20:58PM Kevin Bolitho wrote:
I wish to derive the row height for ListBoxes however so far I have not succeeded. I have been using SendMessage as follows…
In Borland window.h file I see #define LB_GETITEMHEIGHT (WM_USER+34)
If WM_USER is 1024 then I assume that LB_GETITEMHEIGHT is 1058
My code is trial
hWnd returns an integer that looks reasonable for an hWnd however RowHeight is always returned as 0
Has anyone else succeeded in getting the row height for a listbox?
Thanks in advance
At 24 FEB 2004 07:41PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
See answer on main forum…
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