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At 23 JAN 2006 02:15:21PM Revelation Software wrote:


Mike Ruane, president of Revelation Software will be attending the next Southern California Revelation User Group this upcoming Wednesday, January 25th. While not part of the official program, he will be answering any questions regarding Revelation or OpenInsight.

Please see the information on the following web page: SoCalRug . We hope you can attend.


At 23 JAN 2006 02:23PM's Don Bakke wrote:

Unfortunately the SoCalRUG link in the previous post is not structured correctly. Here is a correct link to SoCalRUG.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 23 JAN 2006 03:10PM Mike Ruane wrote:

Fixed original post- 1 too many HTTP: </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...

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