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At 08 JUL 2021 07:48:35AM cmeyer wrote:

I know that the OI10 migration is a pain but now that I have been exposed to OI10 for a while I have noticed a vast improvement in performance, something my clients have been complaining about for some time.

Also looking forward to UD5.2 and OI reconnecting after network loss.

Waiting for the next release, some more testing, then going live for my first test client.

I suggest all developers go though the pain especially with the anouncement that OI9 will not be supported after Sep 2022.

This forum mostly deals with problems, but I thought it would be nice to compliment Revelation in the extensive work they have done in geting OI10 this far.

Not finished testing yet but ploughing ahead.


At 08 JUL 2021 05:29PM Carl Pates wrote:

Thanks Chris - always nice to get positive feedback! :)


Carl Pates

At 09 JUL 2021 02:08PM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Guys -

I am in the process of trying to migrate from 9 to 10 as well…..

per instructions i have created an app in 10 called MAIN1 - which matches the app name MAIN1 in 9.

i logged into MAIN1 in OI 10 and run this from the TCL:


All my stuff is O4W - i.e. no windows forms at all.

I am selecting the \Revsoft\OpenInsight location for MAIN1 - and it says says invalid data volume.

I see no place where a MAIN1 volume has been created by 9.

So I am not even getting out of the gate yet

any help



At 09 JUL 2021 03:12PM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Brian,

What folder is your v9 OpenInsight system in? That's the location you need to select for the migration - it's basically asking you where your v9 system is located.

Carl Pates

At 10 JUL 2021 08:56AM BrianWick wrote:

hi carl -

per a comment from don bakke on a different thread OI 10 requires a 5.x version of the Universal driver where everything i see in my revsoft folder suggests version 4.7. is there a way thru the oi 9 and oi 10 panels i can see what version I am running/

tx for chiming in - much appreciated.


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