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At 03 JAN 2005 04:12:44PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Wanting to avoid the licensing issues involved with using Internet Explorer as an OLE control, I decided to use Mozilla instead. This was succcessful, and I thought the information I gathered might be useful to others, so here it is:

The Mozilla ActiveX control is available at You can download source and compile yourself or download a compiled binary file. I elected to download the compiled version 1.7.1 I dowmloaded and installed it to the default location in Program Files. Then I registered the dll as indicated in the instructions (regsvr32 mozctlx.dll)

The correct Control Class to use when defining this control in OpenInsight is Mozilla.Browser.1

The API for this control is identical to that used for Internet Explorer, so most any code you have already written will work. API details for Properties, Methods, and Events can be found at

That should do it.

At 03 JAN 2005 04:35PM Pat McNerthney wrote:

  • third_party_content/community/commentary/forums_works/08c19ab3784e2f0785256f7e007485e1.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/30 11:57
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