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At 21 SEP 2023 06:33:04PM BrianWick wrote:

Is there a way to extract rti_sets (code 7) into an array instead of a dynamic array.

I would imagine that data already exists as an array inside of rti_sets ?

Point being saves the dundancy (and speed) especially when several thousands results are returned ?


At 21 SEP 2023 07:36PM Carl Pates wrote:


Do you mean a Basic+ dimensioned array? If s, unfortunately the answer is no, at least not without some major changes - the sets data held in an internal c++ sets data structure - it is fairly easily to process this into a string (dyn array), but not into the structure needed to hold a Basic+ Dim'd array.

Carl Pates

At 22 SEP 2023 11:29AM BrianWick wrote:

That makes sence Carl.

The two step process cannot be combined into one.

Thanks for the followup


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