AtRecord (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 17 SEP 2012 03:53:38AM Barry Stevens wrote:
When a WRITE is done is it the contents of ATRECORD or @Record that are saved.
I have missing data in the first column of an EditTable first 3 are intact but the rest is missing. They are in @record but not ATRECORD.
If I copy the field from @record to ATRECORD in the write event, then all the column data is written.
Any ideas as to what could cause this.
At 17 SEP 2012 09:38AM Barry Stevens wrote:
I had a hidden field (on a 2nd page) that was a single edittable column for the Qty dict field, which was only 3 rows deep. I think I at one stage I had propblems with CALCULATIONS so I made it a seperate field as well. Removed it for now, if needed I will change to an editline.