delay before indexing (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 18 JUL 2023 10:24:30PM Barry Stevens wrote:
In the environment settings, the option 'delay before indexing'.
No indexing server running
When set to 0 , and you have 'update before query' selected, will this do an immediate update of the indexes? or do you have to set it to say 5 and wont update untill 5 seconds have past????
My understanding in all these years was setting it to 0 did an immediate update on a SELECT, but I have just been queried.
At 19 JUL 2023 10:56AM bob carten wrote:
If you have update before query selected and your query uses an indexed column then openinsight will update the indexes for that column. It calls index. Flush( tablename, columnname ) .