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At 19 JUL 2021 10:52:24AM BrianWick wrote:

For some reason I thought I saw something where the 64K Object Code limit went away with the 64 but OI 10.

Does not look to be the case - unless there is some kind of setting ?

What is the data record limit - still 64K



At 19 JUL 2021 11:29AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Brian,

In general there are no limits as such (that you would ever hit) on the size of a data record in OI64, but the maximum size of a Basic+ string is limited to 2147483647 bytes (2GB). This would be very slow and unwieldy to use so I wouldn't recommend even trying to go anywhere near that.

The object code format is split into two main segments: code and data. Both of these segments are limited to 64K each because jump and indexing offsets used in the object code are 16 bytes, so they can't address anything larger than this. When you compile a stored procedure you will see the size of these segments. My advice is to steer clear of these limits and write code that is more modular, and also use records for holding lots of strings rather than embedding them in programs.


Carl Pates

At 19 JUL 2021 11:55AM BrianWick wrote:

Hi Carl -

Tx for the explanation.

When I do a compile all I get is when and how long it took to compile.

the lower right show the source size - in my case for my only O4W_ SP = around 75K

where would i find the size of the SYSOBJ for the O4W_ SP



At 19 JUL 2021 11:58AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Brian,

If you're using the IDE to compile stored procedures it's the line above your compilation results in the output panel that begins "Compiled object code size".

Carl Pates

At 19 JUL 2021 01:20PM BrianWick wrote:

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