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At 26 JAN 2023 04:07:26PM Barry Stevens wrote:

I am trying to add a task to the windows10 task scheduler, but it is not getting added, which I can very by it not running and not appearing the Windows Task Scheduler screen.

Tried setting using RTI_INDEXER_CONFIG (replacement) and returned the 'failed to be scheduled' error, I must be missing something, but cant work out what it is.

In the code be:


QRslt = see image below


function bsbs_launch_BSBS_MONITOR_CLOCKOFFS(Void)

Declare function rti_task_scheduler

Equ RUN_TYPE_EVERY$ To 4	;*run at scheduled frequency

TaskName             ="BSBS_MONITOR_CLOCKOFFS"

TaskDetails          =''

TaskDetails<5>       =TaskName

TaskDetails<6>       =TaskName

TaskDetails<8>       =date()

TaskDetails<10>      =RUN_TYPE_EVERY$

TaskDetails<11>      ="5 MINUTE(S)"

TaskDetails<12>      =iconv("6AM","MTH")

Rslt                 = rti_task_scheduler("ADD",TaskName,TaskDetails,1)

QRslt =rti_task_scheduler("QUERY",TaskName)



At 26 JAN 2023 08:51PM Barry Stevens wrote:

I am trying to add a task to the windows10 task scheduler, but it is not getting added, which I can very by it not running and not appearing the Windows Task Scheduler screen.

Tried setting using RTI_INDEXER_CONFIG (replacement) and returned the 'failed to be scheduled' error, I must be missing something, but cant work out what it is.

In the code be:


QRslt = see image below


function bsbs_launch_BSBS_MONITOR_CLOCKOFFS(Void)

Declare function rti_task_scheduler

Equ RUN_TYPE_EVERY$ To 4	;*run at scheduled frequency

TaskName             ="BSBS_MONITOR_CLOCKOFFS"

TaskDetails          =''

TaskDetails<5>       =TaskName

TaskDetails<6>       =TaskName

TaskDetails<8>       =date()

TaskDetails<10>      =RUN_TYPE_EVERY$

TaskDetails<11>      ="5 MINUTE(S)"

TaskDetails<12>      =iconv("6AM","MTH")

Rslt                 = rti_task_scheduler("ADD",TaskName,TaskDetails,1)

QRslt =rti_task_scheduler("QUERY",TaskName)



How possible would it be to just manually add to the Window Task Scheduler?

What would the 'run' command line be?

At 26 JAN 2023 10:12PM Barry Stevens wrote:

I am trying to add a task to the windows10 task scheduler, but it is not getting added, which I can very by it not running and not appearing the Windows Task Scheduler screen.

Tried setting using RTI_INDEXER_CONFIG (replacement) and returned the 'failed to be scheduled' error, I must be missing something, but cant work out what it is.

In the code be:


QRslt = see image below


function bsbs_launch_BSBS_MONITOR_CLOCKOFFS(Void)

Declare function rti_task_scheduler

Equ RUN_TYPE_EVERY$ To 4	;*run at scheduled frequency

TaskName             ="BSBS_MONITOR_CLOCKOFFS"

TaskDetails          =''

TaskDetails<5>       =TaskName

TaskDetails<6>       =TaskName

TaskDetails<8>       =date()

TaskDetails<10>      =RUN_TYPE_EVERY$

TaskDetails<11>      ="5 MINUTE(S)"

TaskDetails<12>      =iconv("6AM","MTH")

Rslt                 = rti_task_scheduler("ADD",TaskName,TaskDetails,1)

QRslt =rti_task_scheduler("QUERY",TaskName)



How possible would it be to just manually add to the Window Task Scheduler?

What would the 'run' command line be?

YEP!!!, Created an entry in the "Window Task Scheduler" and THAT WORKS using OERUN.EXE and the parameters and path also in 'Start In'

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