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At 09 MAR 2023 06:56:50PM BrianWick wrote:

I have data that has [ ] in it for example:

Mike Smith [b.1975]

When I do an RList such as "

List MYTABLE with FULLNAME containing "["

does not deliver any results - it does not like [

Am I out of luck or is there some kind of hex replacements that can be used ?

At 09 MAR 2023 10:11PM Barry Stevens wrote:

I have data that has [ ] in it for example:

Mike Smith [b.1975]

When I do an RList such as "

List MYTABLE with FULLNAME containing "["

does not deliver any results - it does not like [

Am I out of luck or is there some kind of hex replacements that can be used ?

I am sure that is the 'ending with' symbol

At 10 MAR 2023 03:23AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Barry is correct, square brackets are used for starting, containing, ending.


WITH FULLNAME "John]" - starting

WITH FULLNAME "[oh]" - containing

WITH FULLNAME "[Smith" - ending.

So your query SHOULD be WITH FULLNAME "View this thread on the Works forum...

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