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At 06 FEB 2002 04:00:38PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Hello all:

Does anyone know if there will still be a 60 character limit on event keys in 32 bit version?


Mike O.

At 06 FEB 2002 04:05PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

Can't comment on future releases but current beta release still has length problems.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 06 FEB 2002 04:31PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Yo Sprezz, why don't you share with Mike the name of the event that you used to verify that!

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 06 FEB 2002 04:37PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

O.K., thanks for confirming.


At 06 FEB 2002 05:45PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

hey Don! Coming to San Diego? The Sprezz contingent arrives and departs Sat (with a week in between )…

oh.. shucks.. ok

Bit of a giveaway follows :-


The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

At 06 FEB 2002 07:41PM Donald Bakke wrote:


Yes, I forgot to reply to your email a while back. Mea culpa!

I'm planning on making a one day visit (Tuesday the 19th) just to give Mike some visible support.

Are you all staying at the Hyatt Islandia or somewhere else?

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 07 FEB 2002 06:49AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:

No probs! I know how hectic things get. Hyatt - we got a rate $45 under conference rate from Expedia. Go figure. Probably do the tourist thing on Sun, prepare Mon, do the show, then have a day or two spare later in the week.

The Sprezzatura Group

World Leaders in all things RevSoft

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