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At 01 DEC 2021 02:55:01PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

A potential customer just asked for the following information. Does anyone have any idea how to respond to this? The OI application will be installed on a server on their property. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Please let me know if you can address these:

1. SOC 2 Type 2 report

2. Vulnerability/code scan reports

Jim R Vaughan

At 01 DEC 2021 02:59PM bshumsky wrote:

A potential customer just asked for the following information. Does anyone have any idea how to respond to this? The OI application will be installed on a server on their property. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Please let me know if you can address these:

1. SOC 2 Type 2 report

2. Vulnerability/code scan reports

Jim R Vaughan

Well, here's a good page on what those acronyms mean. But it looks like you need to have an outside audit conducted to fulfil the requirements. There seems to be a number of companies that are willing to help make/show you are in compliance.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 01 DEC 2021 03:31PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

Has Revelation done anything like this?

Jim R Vaughan

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