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At 23 JUL 2010 05:09:05PM's Don Bakke wrote:

A client is reporting a SYS1000 error upon launching 9.2 while using the All Networks Driver v2.1. This only happens with systems that are downloaded from the Revelation site. Upgraded systems are unaffected. I suspect the file formats of the system tables have been updated and therefore are incompatible with older clients. I realize that the UD 4.6 service comes with OI 9.x but this might cause confusion for some.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 23 JUL 2010 06:49PM Paul Marraffa wrote:

Check the driver again. I had to change it three times. The engine kept reporting UD, required login as admin to run netdrv.

At 25 JUL 2010 02:52PM Mike O'Neal wrote:

Paul, just to confirm, you are able to log in to a newly downloaded copy of 9.2 using the 2.1 driver? I've switched back and forth several times between 2.1 and 4.6 and still receive an error the using 2.1 driver.

Mike O.

At 26 JUL 2010 01:29PM Paul Marraffa wrote:

Yes, that is correct. I am able to login as 'SYSPROG'

I am able to reproduce the SYS1000 error in one of several ways.

1) - Run OI as a user or on a workstation that does not have proper security rights to the server where the LH service is running.

2) - Move/install OI to a local drive and change the network driver.

3) - Run OI a single user engine (default download) on a network with revparam forcing server only.

At 26 JUL 2010 04:07PM Frank Ritts wrote:

I also had a problem upgrading to 9.2 using 2.1 lh. I waited for the setup to pause when it was asking for the username of Sysprog and I went into Netdrv.exe and changed the service from 4.6.0 to 2.1 and continued with the upgrade. Seemed to work for me, and everytime I went to upgrade a system, the setup changed the LH to 4.6.0 driver, and I had to change it back to 2.1 to get it to upgrade.

At 28 JUL 2010 10:12AM Jared Bratu wrote:

Don, you are right about the system tables being incompatible with older clients.

The SYSCOMMODULES, DICT.SYSCOMMODULES, WEBOI_* and DICT.WEBOI_* tables are all file version 3 which is incompatible with the 2.1 all networks driver. These are new tables in 9.x.

During a fresh install these tables are copied into the system where as an upgrade systems seem to create the tables under the version level of the existing driver.

The 9.x version of OpenInsight with a D serial number includes the Universal Driver 4.6 NUL (Network User License). If this is an OpenInsight only system the client should upgrade to the Universal Driver. Existing systems that have AREV or OI 8.x (and earlier) installations will require the Universal Driver 4.6 (not NUL) version.

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