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At 25 JUL 2012 08:27:37PM Colin Rule wrote:

We have a screen which can be populated with data with about 20 columns.

On some projects this has up to say 5000 rows, and the LIST or TABLE properties return the result happily.

On some huge projects this has 25,000 rows or more.

This returms the results happily on my 64bit PC, but on another of our PCs (32bit) it returns null.

I can probably deal with this by obtaining a column at a time, and concatenating.

Is there any limitations in OI that might cause this or suggestions.


At 31 JUL 2012 06:54AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Colin,

I don't recall seeing any hard-coded limits in the code.

What's the size of each row (add up the data length for each column)? Then multiply by 25000 to see how many bytes the raw data is taking up. There's a possibility that there's less memory to play with on a 32-bit system and the OS can't allocate a big enough continuous chunk of memory to copy the edit table contents into - that might be an issue. Although you theoretically get a 4GB address space for your process in reality you usually get less than 2GB to play with and it is possible to run out.

Carl Pates


The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 31 JUL 2012 07:38PM Colin Rule wrote:

Thanks Carl

I have tried this again (64bit) and there are 27,708 rows, totalling 5.3Mb of data.

I cant see that this would be a memory issue given your 2Gb space mentioned.

The fact that the LIST/ARRAY property returns null on 32bit, on a couple of machines, and that you can still build the table up from columns to get the same variable result (I will EMail), this implies it is not memory related, but perhaps more related to the control.


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